Hallinan Group at Caltech
My current research is on developing a real-time GPU imager for the Deep Synoptic Array (DSA) in Owens Valley. The imager will increase the sensitivity of the array by a factor of three and enable the localization of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) -- something which has never been done before. Prior to that, my research focused on developed three new antennas for the 40m telescope to enable holographic measurement of the beam patterns of the DSA and Long Wavelength Array (LWA).

Yale Quantum Institute Research
At Yale, my primary research is on the simulation and characterization of Qubits for quantum computers. Getting qubit features to match desired parameters is an open and challenging problem in quantum computing. Commonly this is accomplished using a numerical electromagnetic solver (such as Ansys HFSS) and varying parameters until the desired solution is reached. This, however, takes massive amounts of computational effort. Instead, a faster solution is to “flatten” the 3D qubit geometry and construct a 2D circuit model which can be solved perturbatively for the optimum solution and can work in a much shorter amount of time.

At SpaceX, I worked on the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Survivability team. During my time there, my analyses and results enabled decision making at the highest levels. Over the course of three months, I worked on six projects of various sizes. These projects ranged from simulating the Dragon Crew vehicle for lightning attachment points, to assisting with military-specified testing, to making recommendations for shielding on a payload-specific mission. My capstone project was building, automating, and operating an EMI transfer impedance fixture for assessing the flight-worthiness of coaxial cables.

As unmanned aerial systems (UAS), such as quadcopters, become more prevalent, it’s important that they remain safe. At NASA Ames, I worked on a generalized state-space control algorithm which makes quadcopters more fault tolerant. Typically, when a motor fails on a quadcopter, the quadcopter is unable to compensate and loses control. However, a UAS equipped with the fault tolerant control system could sacrifice control of its yaw and retain control of its altitude. The simulations that I helped develop demonstrated that this solution was tenable and could be tested on hardware.

At NRAO, I designed code to correct errors in the high speed to analog to digital converters. The code I wrote accomplished this by sampling a pure test tone to measure the analog to digital converter’s offset, gain, and phase errors. These corrections were automatically applied to the digitalized output from the analog to digital converter in real time.