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Devin P. Cody 

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Projects and Press​

Building a Performant 3D printer

Building a Performant 3D printer

This year I joined a pyramid scheme: 3D printer building. Over the last six months, I’ve invested time, money, and possibly my sanity to build a 3D printer whose entire purpose is to print more 3D printer parts. But the final product has been so worth it!

Intro to the Fourier Transform

Intro to the Fourier Transform

My newest blog is live! I explore the deep and fundamental connection between the Fourier transform and linear algebra. My hope is to demystify the Fourier transform and make it more understandable.

Lowering my AC Bill the Hard Way

Lowering my AC Bill the Hard Way

As part of making my home smarter, I wanted a way to manage the temperature in my apartment during the hot Pasadena summers. The code monitors the indoor and outdoor temperatures using two temperature probes and controls a window fan using IFTTT webhooks. This is the culmination of ~20 hours of work. Includes a custom PCB!

GPU Beamformer

GPU Beamformer

My research project in graduate school was designing a real-time GPU Beamformer to find and localize fast radio bursts (FRBs) using the Deep Synoptic Array (DSA-100). Code is written in CUDA for real-time processing.

Raspberry Pi Clapper

Raspberry Pi Clapper

Turning off my lights has never been easier! Two claps for off, three for on. I can also tell google home to pause the clapper when I'm making a ruckus.

Intro to Radio Interferometry

Intro to Radio Interferometry

My first blog post! In the post, I give the introduction to radio interferometry that I wish I had as a budding engineer

Yale Scientific Magazine

Yale Scientific Magazine

The Yale Scientific Magazine highlighted my time as a Yale engineer in their 2016 December issue [pg. 36]

Accelerated Orbit Solver

Accelerated Orbit Solver

I wrote a C-based orbit solver to accelerate orbit fitting with orbitize!

EE Senior Project: Radar

EE Senior Project: Radar

My EE senior project was the design, prototyping, and analysis of a 2.5GHz radar capable of imaging a person at a distance of 100 feet [video]

GPU Julia Set

GPU Julia Set

Exploration of the Julia set fractal written with Nvidia CUDA [video]

5.8 GHz patch antenna arrays

5.8 GHz patch antenna arrays

Antennas optimized in CST for a 5.8 GHz radio. Simulated and achieved a directivity of 13dBi. Demonstrated a radio link at a distance of 250 feet with a signal to noise ratio of 70dB [report]

5.5GHz Vivaldi Antenna

5.5GHz Vivaldi Antenna

HFSS simulation of Vivaldi antenna for 5GHz radar senior project [video]

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing

Fun video of an electromagnetic simulation of qubit resonator that I developed as part of my Applied Physics senior project

YUAA Rocketry

YUAA Rocketry

As part of YUAA, I lead and built Chronos: A rocket-launched payload designed to measure the effect of GR by measuring the phase difference between two atomic clocks

Prototype PCBs

Prototype PCBs

Two of the first PCBs that I designed. The tiltmeter (left) used an accelerometer to indicate when the PCB was placed flat while the radar prototype (right) demonstrated key concepts that were later incorporated into my EE senior project

YUAA Radio Telescope

YUAA Radio Telescope

As project leader for the YUAA radio telescope project, I lead a team of 16 students in architecting and building a fully-steerable radio telescope

Quadrotor Simulation

Quadrotor Simulation

Demonstration of quadrotor control using LQR regulator & state observer [video]



Amateur digital photoraphy



Proof of concept PCB board

Team Ziggy

Team Ziggy

As President of YUAA, I returned to the IREC competition help launch Ziggy Stardust, a rocket to measure organic particulates at 10,000 ft.

RasbPi Beowulf Cluster

RasbPi Beowulf Cluster

First Experience using OpenMPI on custom distributed architecture



Foray into unmanned aerial systems

Eagle Scout Project

Eagle Scout Project

Benches for a kindergarten outdoor classroom



Milkyway timelapse over Yosemite Valley [video]

Intel ISEF (Phoenix 2013)

Intel ISEF (Phoenix 2013)

Presented research among world's brightest

The Telescope Team

The Telescope Team

Members of the YUAA Radio Telescope team after setting the telescope up in Becton Plaza

University Physics Competition

University Physics Competition

Won silver in the 48 hour International University Physics Competition. I developed an n-body simulation to explore the solution space for planets orbiting circumbinary planets [solution paper]

Robotic Arm PCB

Robotic Arm PCB

First power distribution PCB

Cubesat Development Board

Cubesat Development Board

PCB designed to assist YUAA in developing software for the cubesat project

Energypath Science Fair

Energypath Science Fair

My research on dye-sensitized solar cells won first place in the Energypath Science fair

Dannehower Award

Dannehower Award

Award I won on the basis of athletics, academics, and service

© 2021 by Devin Cody

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